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British Ice Skating Governance Success!

We’re proud to announce that following our latest assessment by UK Sport, it has been confirmed that we have met the compliance requirements for Tier 2 of the Code for Sports Governance, securing our national funding position.

The Code for Sports Governance sets out the levels of transparency, diversity and inclusion, accountability and integrity that are required from those organisations who seek – and are in receipt of – UK Government and National Lottery funding from UK Sport and/or Sport England.

The Code sets out a framework for good governance that is designed to ensure organisations run fairly, transparently, and effectively. Achieving our Tier 2 compliance guarantees our eligibility for UK Sport/Sport England funding, and at a higher level than a Tier 1 compliance would, as well as reaffirming the quality and consistency of our business practices.

Maintaining high governance standards and adhering to the principles laid out in the Code are a core element of our current organisational strategy, and we're incredibly proud that all the hard work has paid off!

“Everyone on the Board of BIS is delighted at this news, it reflects the team’s quiet determination to make British Ice Skating the very best sport governing body that we can be, and shows what can be achieved with hard work, commitment and integrity.” Karen Rothery - Chair, British Ice Skating Board

Find out more about the principles that underpin the Code for Sports Governance, and some of the requirements we’ve achieved and evidenced in order to achieve our Tier 2 goal:

Principle 1: Structure

Requirement 1

The organisation is properly constituted, has a clear purpose and, if membership-based, is inclusive and accessible.

Requirement 2

The governing committee meets regularly, and decision-making is recorded.

Principle 2: People

Requirement 3

The organisation seeks to ensure diverse viewpoints are considered and that its decision-making groups have the skills and diversity needed to operate effectively.

Requirement 4

Committee members are subject to regular election and ideally should serve no more than nine years.

Principle 3: Communication

Requirement 5

The organisation shares information on its governance, structure, activities and financial position to enable stakeholders to have a good understanding of them.

Principle 4: Standards and Conduct

Requirement 6

Conflicts of interest are recognised, managed by the Chair and recorded. At least three of the people on the governing committee are neither related to, nor cohabiting with, other committee members.

Principle 5: Policies and Processes

Requirement 7

The organisation ensures appropriate financial procedures and practices are in place and as a minimum can evidence: a) appropriate oversight of financial planning; b) financial decision-making and processing is not managed by one person alone; and c) accounts which are independently scrutinised.

Requirement 8

The organisation shall assess and manage organisational risk and liabilities appropriately.

Interested in finding out more? Read all about the Code for Sport Governance here.

Find out more about the current British Ice Skating strategy and our progress so far here.



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© British Ice Skating 2020, English Institute of Sport, Coleridge Road, Sheffield, S9 5DA
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