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What you see is 100% me - Clean Sport Week

British Ice Skating is pleased to once again support Clean Sport Week, UK Anti-Doping’s national awareness week, championing clean sport, education and anti-doping initiatives with sports across the UK.

The theme this year: What you see is 100% me

100% me is UKAD's athlete education programme. And what they, mirrored by British Ice Skating, want to see from athletes performing on any stage is 100% hard work, determination and respect for the rules.

Learn about the anti-doping processes, the importance of education, the impacts of doping and much more during Clean Sport Week. The latest UK Anti-Doping research into the public's perception of doping in sport will be released this week, a seminar from elite sportspeople on how to prepare for a major games will be hosted on Tuesday 24th May, alongside several other activities throughout the week.

Join a UKAD webinar on Tuesday 24 May at 1pm

Join award winning broadcaster for the BBC and Sky, Caroline Barker who has presented at some of the world's major events, hosting the opening of the Olympic Games in Rio for 5live and presenting from multiple football world cups across the BBC, as she interviews UKAD's Chief Executive Jane Rumble, the Head of Nutrition for the English Institute of Sport Mike Naylor, British Paralympic powerlifter and UKAD Athlete Commission member Ali Jawad and Olympic pole vaulter Holly Bradshaw.

They will be discussing important anti-doping topics and providing their thoughts and advice on preparing for a major sporting event. Sign up here.


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