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Join our Short Track Camp in July!

Sign up to a Short Track Camp run by BIS and SSPP coaches in July.

The Camp will take place at the National Ice Centre in Nottingham on Sunday 4th July.

The day will include on and off ice sessions, warm up exercises and education as well as a 2021/22 rules and regulations overview. A race session will also be included with all times made official.

The camp will be run by British Ice Skating and SSPP coaches, it is not something you will want to miss.

The cost is £40 per person with sibling discounts available. Registration will start at 8:45am with the day ending at 5pm.

Please note that participants will have to provide their own lunch and drinks.

All those interested should complete this form -

Payment details will be sent after completing the form.

All members of British Ice Skating, club participants and licenced coaches are welcome. Trainee coaches are also welcome to attend towards their coaching qualification.

We look forward to seeing you all in Nottingham!


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